
Web site pulls memo regarding Tom Cruise

HOLLYWOOD, June 4 (UPI) -- Tom Cruise's lawyers got a Web site to pull an alleged memo from Paramount studios detailing the actor's demands for the set of "Mission Impossible 3."

The site, called, claimed to have received a copy of an eight-page, single-spaced memo from the studio detailing how Cruise wanted his room prepared, how he was to be spoken to and who could use his cell phone, MSNBC reported Friday.


But Cruise's lawyers sent a threatening letter to the site, which promptly removed the offending item, according to the Scoop.

The report was "completely and utterly fabricated" and the person who faxed this fake memo would be tracked down and fired, a spokesman for Cruise said.

"I've removed the item in question because of a threatening letter from Tom Cruise's (alleged) lawyer," the site operator e-mailed the Scoop.

"My blog is just for fun, and I'm not going to get into hissy fits with people over this stuff."

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