
Rep Upton: U.S. controls energy destiny with increased oil production

WASHINGTON, Nov. 15 (UPI) -- U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton, R-Mich., said the United States, with increased oil production, has control of its energy future.

"American ingenuity and innovation have turned the goal of controlling our energy destiny from a dream into a reality," Upton said in a statement Thursday. "We now have the opportunity to take back control of our energy future and liberate ourselves from OPEC's influence."


The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries said in its monthly market report this week its market share declined while non-OPEC supplies,, mainly from North America, increased.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration said Wednesday total petroleum imports into the United States were at their lowest level since February 1991.

Upton is an advocate for increased oil and natural gas production in the United States and a vocal supporter of the planned Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada. Keystone XL supporters have expressed frustration with a review process that's lasted more than five years. U.S. President Barack Obama needs to sign off on Keystone XL because it's a cross-border pipeline.

"Common-sense solutions like expanding production on federal lands and modernizing permit processes would further reduce U.S. imports from our adversaries and could help us achieve energy self-sufficiency even sooner than expected," Upton said.


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