
EU finds more money for green energy

BRUSSELS, Nov. 12 (UPI) -- Roughly $200 million in unused funds in European coffers were set aside to finance renewable energy projects in the eurozone, European lawmakers said.

European lawmakers amended measures in the European Energy Recovery Plan to channel unspent money into local and national energy programs.


The funds would go toward programs such as energy-efficient public transportation solutions and to increase the amount of renewable energy used in public and private buildings. Local infrastructure projects, such as efficient street lighting, were included in the measure.

The European Union launched the EERP in 2009 to stimulate the economy through green-energy projects. Europe set aside $5.5 billion for the fund in 2010.

The funding amendment means $200.5 million in unused funds will be distributed to local and regional authorities by March 2014.

The European government needs to formally approve the parliamentary measure but lawmakers said the amendment could go into force by the end of the year.

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