
Areva supplies India with uranium

PARIS, Dec. 19 (UPI) -- French nuclear engineering firm Areva announced it signed a foreign uranium supply agreement with India.

The agreement is the first since nuclear trading between India and the rest of the world was reopened in September.


Areva officials said in a statement the contract is expected to pave the way for a Franco-Indian partnership in the civil nuclear electricity generation industry.

Areva agreed to supply 300 tons of uranium to the Nuclear Power Corp. of India to power its reactors.

The deal is under the control of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

India said the fuel is necessary to supplement domestic reserve shortages.

"Areva has won India's trust for this first ever foreign fuel supply signed since the September 2008 agreement … and Areva is ready to put its expertise at the service of this challenge," said Arthur de Montalembert, president of Areva India.

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