
Fadhila calls for Iraq oil theft talks

BAGHDAD, May 19 (UPI) -- The Fadhila Party, in leadership in oil-rich Basra, is asking for all post-2004 Iraqi oil ministers to discuss the issue of oil smuggling.

Fadhila has been accused by officials in the national government of being behind smuggling in the southern province, though virtually all political parties are alleged to have a role.


Fadhila has members in the Parliament but so far has continued its boycott of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's governing coalition. The party accuses it of squeezing it out of key roles.

The Baghdad newspaper reports Fadhila issued a statement calling on the former oil ministers to discuss the issue of smuggling, the extent of which is not known but is likely taking billions of dollars annually from Iraqi coffers.

"After the issue claiming that a certain group is involved in the smuggling of crude oil has been raised, based on information leaks by some governmental officials; and because of the contradictory nature of these leaks, which are all groundless; and to avoid the use of this issue for calculated political revenge; and because of the great economic importance the oil wealth represents for the Iraqi State; and to support the government in confronting administrative and financial corruption; and to answer the many questions about this issue; and to inform the Iraqi people what is actually occurring regarding this issue," the statement reads, "the Islamic Fadhila Parliamentary bloc demands to open the crude oil smuggling file and to discuss it during Parliament sessions."


The statement also calls for pipeline security officials to be involved in the meeting, which the party says should be public.

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