
Fuel cell/geothermal hybrid experiment

ROCHESTER, Minn., Oct. 19 (UPI) -- University and government researchers in Minnesota are studying a first-of-its-kind experimental fuel cell-geothermal hybrid system.

The University of Minnesota-Rochester and officials at the Rochester Public Utilities cut the ribbon Wednesday at the school's Hybrid Energy System Study laboratory, which will look at how much energy can be conserved when heating with both fuel cell and geothermal technologies.


The Post-Bulletin reports the system, if successful, will be licensed for commercial use.

The science behind it pares two renewable technologies in the hopes that combined they'll be even more efficient.

Fuel cells generate electricity through chemical reactions, used now for powering buildings and vehicles. Geothermal systems do the same, garnering its power from natural heat deep in the earth.

Alone, fuel cells give off unused heat, but the hybrid experiment will capture the heat and either use it to power the geothermal system or store it for use later.

The lab where the experiment is funded by the American Public Power Association, the University of Minnesota, Rochester Public Utilities, Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency and the heating and cooling manufacturer Trane.

Combined they contributed $147,000 and in-kind donations.


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