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Communism is all power to the Soviets plus the electrification of the whole country
Analysis: Kazakhstan's hydroelectric potential attracts foreign investment Mar 27, 2009
Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole countr
Analysis: Central Asian electricity Aug 07, 2008
Kommunism -- eto est' Sovetskaia vlast' plius elektrifikatsiia vsei stran
Analysis: Central Asian electricity Aug 07, 2008
It was a good paint and we have to use special mixtures to wash it off
St. Petersburg Lenin monuments defaced Nov 15, 2004
(Russian: Владимир Ильич Ульянов)
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (22 April 1870 – 21 January 1924), was a Russian revolutionary, author, lawyer, economic theorist, political philosopher, creator of the Soviet Communist Party, leader of the 1917 October Revolution, and founder of the USSR. As head of the Bolsheviks (1917–1924) he led the Red Army to victory in the Russian Civil War, before establishing the world's first officially socialist state. As a theorist, his extensive theoretical and philosophical contributions to Marxism produced Leninism.
Lenin was born Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Russian: Владимир Ильич Ульянов; German: Wladimir Iljitsch Uljanow) on 22 April 1870 in the town of Simbirsk in the Russian Empire. Simbirsk, a rural town on the River Volga nearly 1,500 miles from the capital Saint Petersburg, would be renamed upon Ulyanov's death fifty-four years later as "Ulyanovsk" in his honour. That same year, Saint Petersburg itself would be renamed Leningrad after Ulyanov's better-known cadre name.