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I want to see how close to 60 votes we can get in the Senate, what the committee structure is, and how best I can use my time
Feinstein considers run for governor Aug 29, 2008
I was very much looking forward to chairing the California Delegation, and I offer my best wishes to California's delegates in this vital nomination process
Hiking injury to keep Feinstein from DNC Aug 20, 2008
Until and unless the administration is prepared to come forward, offer its rationale, submit its evidence to the American people and allow Congress to vote to authorize the use of force, an attack on Iraq, I believe, would be unwise and ill-timed
What U.S. newspapers are saying Aug 03, 2002
At a time when we are contemplating cutbacks to foreign assistance programs and scrutinizing every domestic program to ensure maximum effectiveness, it is incongruous to be providing enormous sums to the Pakistani military unless we are certain that it is meeting its commitment to locate, disrupt and dismantle terrorist threats inside its borders
Feinstein wary of Pakistani relations May 18, 2011