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Feeling in pit of my stomach is waaay beyond butterflies
Jury resumes deliberations in Riddle case Feb 16, 2010
I need a little help so I can get a decent lawyer every little bit helps -thanks
Corruption defendant Twitters for money Feb 25, 2010
I need a little help so I can get a decent lawyer every little bit helps -thanks
Watercooler Stories Feb 26, 2010
I am in a situation that is very serious, and all I can tell you is the only way I know how to fight back and stay alive is to raise the money to get a decent defense team, so I'm not run over by a legal Mack Truck
Riddle raising funds with 'haters' auction Apr 21, 2010
On my way to a dental clinic! Thanks for the heads up
Riddle raising funds with 'haters' auction Apr 21, 2010