
Topic: Richard Convertino

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Richard Convertino News


Richard Convertino (born 1961) was, for 16 years, a career federal prosecutor in Detroit, Michigan. He was the lead Assistant U.S. Attorney in the "Detroit Sleeper Cell" prosecutions of Karim Koubriti and Abdel-Ilah Elmardoudi. However, the U.S. Department of Justice subsequently removed Convertino from his position and asked courts to dismiss those convictions, on the grounds that Convertino had failed to disclose evidence to which the defense was entitled.

Convertino is the son of Italian immigrants, a devout Catholic and father of five. He is known for gestures of generosity — collecting money to buy winter gloves for the homeless — as well as a tenacity that is not confined to the courtroom.

He is a favorite of Detroit FBI agents, who like his courtroom drive. Colleagues say he is well prepared and "quick on his feet." But Convertino had an abrasive edge. "Rick went out of his way to antagonize people. If you disregarded him, he would dismiss you as an idiot." a Detroit colleague said.

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