

Raoul Cédras (born Jérémie, Haiti July 9, 1949) is a military officer, and de facto ruler of Haiti from 1991 to 1994.

Cédras was a Lieutenant General in the Forces Armées d'Haïti (the Haitian army) and was responsible for the coup d'état which ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide September 29, 1991. During August 1991, Aristide's own government held a non-confidence vote with 83 going against him, with only 11 supporting him. Aristide resigned on September 29/30, 1991 and flew into exile. Some 56 people lost their lives, throughout Haiti, during September 29-30, violence.

Some human rights groups criticized Cédras's rule, alleging that innocent people were killed by the FAdH military and FRAPH paramilitary units.

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