
Topic: Randall Luthi

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Randall Luthi News


(2) Luthi's only elected office has been as a member and Speaker of the Wyoming House of Representatives.

(3) Luthi is considered an authority on royalties paid to the U.S. government by companies leasing the public domain.

Randall B. Luthi (born 1955) is an attorney and rancher from Freedom, in northwestern Lincoln County in western Wyoming, who served as a Republican in the Wyoming House of Representatives from 1995—2007. He was the Speaker for his last two-year term, 2005—2007. Prior to 2005, he had been the House Majority Leader. In Wyoming, Speakers traditionally retire from the House upon the expiration of their tenure as presiding officer. Luthi was thereafter named by Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne as the Director of the Minerals Management Service.

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