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In the spirit of shared faith and international peace and stability and with the desire to increase constructive interactions between our two nations, we respectfully request that Iran release Roxana Saberi and allow her to return to her family in the United States
Islamic group asks Iran to free journalist Apr 10, 2009
We ask Iran to take this opportunity (of releasing Saberi) to make a gesture of reconciliation that will help create an atmosphere in which those issues may be addressed in a positive manner
Islamic group asks Iran to free journalist Apr 10, 2009
American voters deserve to know whether they are the targets of a multimillion-dollar campaign funded and directed by a foreign group seeking to whip up anti-Muslim hysteria as a way to influence the outcome of our presidential election
Islamic rights group files FEC complaint Sep 23, 2008
If the FBI wishes to question American citizens, they should be allowed to return to the United States, where they will be able to maintain their constitutional rights free of threats or intimidation
FBI denies Muslim-American flight home Jun 16, 2010
The results of this survey may be an indication that, while more work needs to be done, the American Muslim community's anti-terror message is finally being heard
Poll: U.S. anti-Muslim bias lessens Jul 26, 2005
Nihad Awad is the Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Washington D.C.-based American Muslim political and civil rights group.
After studying civil engineering at the University of Minnesota in the 1990s, he worked at the University of Minnesota Medical Center.
After the Gulf war, he was Public Relations Director for the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), described by U.S. government officials as a Hamas front organization.