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Forcing consumers to pay more for 'green' energy will mean less money in their pockets to spend at their local Starbucks or Wal-Mart or on vacation travel
Obama picks receive high marks overall Dec 16, 2008
This should provide a loud wakeup call to American business leaders that the 111th Congress is not going to play nicely with them on energy rationing policies
Blue Congress looks greener too Nov 25, 2008
He might get what he wants. And he might get a change. But I don't think it's going to sit well with a lot of Republicans
GOP internecine fights brewing Jul 07, 2008
We try to stay abreast of the best science, but we don't do research
Climate: Is the science for sale? Apr 25, 2005
We think that the scientific case for global warming has not only been collapsing, but on any reasonable judgment actually has already collapsed. Based on the underlying science, there is no reason to be any longer alarmed about global climate change. The modeling continues to be based on assumptions that are wildly improbable
Analysis: CO2 cap needed to curb warming Jul 11, 2003
Myron Ebell (born in Baker County, Oregon) is an American climate change skeptic. He is the Director of Global Warming and International Environmental Policy at the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), a non-profit public policy organization founded in 1984 by Fred L. Smith, Jr. Ebell directs and oversees all aspects of energy policy education and advocacy for CEI. He is also the Chairman of the Cooler Heads Coalition, an informal and ad-hoc policy group that works on the economics, science, and risk analysis associated with global warming.
His main job is to provide material to the media in the form of quotes to newspaper reporters and participation in live interviews on the subject of climate change. His positions at various times are: (a) climate change isn't happening, (b) it is happening, but it's not because of human released CO2, (c) it is happening, and may be human induced, but it will be much cheaper to adapt to the change than to ration the use of fossil fuels, (d) it is happening and the consequences will be good for the environment.
He has been described as a presidential advisor to George W. Bush in several media outlets. He was associated with presidential advisor Philip Cooney in an email about plans to take forward litigation against the EPA.