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Particularly in the field of hydropower, our country offers some interesting potential
RWE to cooperate with Serbian province Dec 04, 2008
As long as we live here, we will not recognize Kosovo as independent
Serbs protest Kosovo in Bosnia Feb 26, 2008
We cannot give up what we consider a minimum, and that is the police of Republika Srpska as an organizational unit with clear authority within the reconstructed police of Bosnia-Herzegovina
Bosnia Serb PM prefers own police to EU Aug 15, 2006
She went voluntarily and I was the man who saw her off, and I believe it was my human obligation to do the same as she came back
Serb official defends Plavsic welcome Oct 28, 2009
Representatives of our government go there each year. However, we do not think we should apologize every time we go there, because we have still not heard an apology from the other side
Thousands commemorate Srebrenica massacre Jul 11, 2011
Milorad Dodik (Serbian: Милорад Додик) (born March 12, 1959), is the President of Republika Srpska, and the president of the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD) political party. He graduated from the Belgrade University of Political Sciences .
Dodik graduated from the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Belgrade. From 1986 through 1990 he was the President of the Executive Board of the Municipal Assembly of Laktaši (i.e. mayor). In 1990, in the first multi-party elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina he was elected to the Parliament of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a candidate of the Union of Reform Forces. During the War in Bosnia, he served as a representative in the National Assembly of the Republika Srpska. During that time, he formed the Independent Members of Parliament Caucus (Клуб независних посланика у Народној Скупштини Републике Српске, Klub nezavisnih poslanika u Narodnoj Skupštini Republike Srpske), which was the only political opposition the Serb Democratic Party (Српска демократска странка, Srpska demokratska stranka), which held the absolute majority in the war-time parliament of the Republika Srpska.
The caucus he chaired was to form the core of the Party of Independent Social Democrats (Stranka nezavisnih socijaldemokrata, or SNSD) in 1996, after the peace was signed as a result of the Dayton Agreement. He was elected as the first President of SNSD. The party later united with another social-democratic party to form the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats, of which Milorad Dodik is President. In 1997, he was elected into the National Assembly of the Republika Srpska and then became the majority leader in national assembly.