
Topic: Matthew Miller

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Matthew Miller News


Matthew Miller (born 1962) is an American journalist, and senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, a monthly columnist for Fortune, regular contributor to The New York Times Magazine and The Atlantic Monthly, and author of The Two Percent Solution. He is a graduate of Brown University.

He also appears regularly on CNN and MSNBC. He previously served as a corporate consultant and as an advisor to the Office of Management and Budget in the Clinton administration. Miller is a senior advisor to global management consulting firm McKinsey & Company and to the firm's in-house economics think-tank McKinsey Global Institute.

Miller supports universal health insurance, increased education spending, school vouchers and other goals detailed in his book. He was also a supporter of the 2003 invasion of Iraq but now claims he "blew it" in supporting the war, stating, "If I'd known beforehand that Hussein did not possess weapons of mass destruction, I would not have supported the war."

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