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You're smart to get out of the water when you start feeling winded and woozy
Winded? woozy? Get out of the water May 13, 2010
The current payment system is not designed to drive efficiency
Medicare tries 'bundling' reimbursements Oct 26, 2009
If they vote for this bill as the written it violates the pledge
Specter, Nelson pressured on healthcare Nov 28, 2009
Rather than a simple count of who has health insurance and who doesn't, we wanted to get a clearer picture of the people behind the statistics
Health insurance no healthcare guarantee Mar 08, 2010
CT colonography can be a very valuable, noninvasive screening tool to help diagnose colorectal cancer at early stages and ultimately improve overall survival rates
CT scans: How much radiation is too much? Mar 31, 2010
Health care reform is a general rubric used for discussing major health policy creation or changes—for the most part, governmental policy that affects health care delivery in a given place. Health care reform typically attempts to:
The Netherlands has introduced a new system of health care insurance based on risk equalization through a risk equalization pool. In this way, a compulsory insurance package is available to all citizens at affordable cost without the need for the insured to be assessed for risk by the insurance company. Furthermore, health insurers are now willing to take on high risk individuals because they receive compensation for the higher risks .
A 2008 article in the journal Health Affairs suggested that the Dutch health system, which combines mandatory universal coverage with competing private health plans, could serve as a model for reform in the US.