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Boeing anticipated flattening defense budgets and shifting customer priorities for the past few years and has been taking aggressive steps to position the company for profitable growth in a challenging economy
Boeing realigns IDS unit Jan 12, 2010
The acceleration of the SUGV and Class I (Block 0) UAV prototypes and testing underscores the Army's commitment to enhancing soldier survivability and mission effectiveness by getting the capabilities into their hands as soon as possible
Army speeds up FCS robotic testing Jan 18, 2008
Fielded together with Tactical- and Urban Unattended Ground Sensors -- UGS -- and the Non-Line-of-Sight Launch System, the B-kits represent the first step in upgrading the current force with future force capability
Boeing delivers U.S. Army FCS kits Oct 08, 2007
The delivery of enhanced network capability to the current force gives soldiers a distinct technological advantage on the battlefield, providing dramatically enhanced situational awareness and the ability to direct precision fires
Boeing delivers U.S. Army FCS kits Oct 08, 2007
The decision to enter initial production demonstrates Boeing's commitment to develop and field the types of networked capabilities and technologies that our warfighters need today in Afghanistan
Board review moves Boeing program forward Dec 30, 2009