
Westboro Baptist Church Facebook page hacked

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The Facebook page of the Westboro Baptist Church has been hacked by online activist group Anonymous following WBC threats to protest Boston Marathon explosion victim funerals, DigitalSpy reports.

The Facebook page's content has been replaced with a series of images and videos that promote views contrary to what Westboro promotes. Posts include several pro-peace quotes and a meme with the Star Trek: The Next Generation cast that reads "Jesus Loves Everybody. You Should Have Expected Us." Scripture from the Koran and photos of kittens are also scattered throughout the page.


Before the hacking, Westboro Baptist Church had tweeted, "Thank God for the Boston Marathon Bombs!! Westboro Baptist Church to picket funeral of those killed. #PraiseGod."

This is not the first time Anonymous has interfered with WBC pages. They took over the group's website just after church members threatened to picket the funerals of Newtown shooting victims.

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