
Diplomacy expert Dennis Rodman rushing to the Vatican to meet the new pope

UPI/Brian Kersey
UPI/Brian Kersey | License Photo

Cardinals locked in conclave at the Sistine Chapel have no idea what's headed their way.

Dennis Rodman, the flamboyant basketball star famous for facial piercings, his marriage to Carmen Electra, and most recently, befriending Kim Jong Un, told TMZ Tuesday that he's willing to grace the new pope with his presence.


Apparently, Rodman has "'people' in Rome" who are "in touch with the muckety-mucks at the Vatican" in the hopes of organizing a diplomatic date with the next leader of the Catholic Church -- who may or may not be a basketball fan.

"I want to be anywhere in the world that I'm needed ... I want to spread a message of peace and love throughout the world."

Not one to let new friendships fade, Rodman recently told a North Dakota station that he's planning to vacation with "Dear Leader" Kim in August. No word on whether they'll invite the new pope.

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