DETROIT, Dec. 19 (UPI) -- Eastern Michigan University has been fined $357,000 for mismanaged reporting on the rape and death of a coed on campus a year ago.
The fine was levied by the U.S. Department of Education's Administrative Actions and Appeals Division over the death last December of Laura Dickinson, 22, who was found in her dorm room Dec. 15, 2006, two days after her death. She was naked from the waist down and had a pillow over her head, the Detroit News reported.
The fine notice said the university failed to issue a timely warning to other students and neglected to indicate the severity of the incident, the report said.
"The violation is compounded by the university's more than two-month delay in reporting the incident to the student's parents as well as the university community and the public -- as a murder and a sexual assault," the fine notice said.
Last week, the university announced it would pay $2.5 million to Dickinson's family.
Ten weeks after the attack, police arrested fellow student Orange Taylor, 21, and charged him with rape and murder, but there was a mistrial, and he will be retried Jan. 28, the newspaper said.