Nov. 1 (UPI) -- Britain's Prince Charles was among the first key speakers on Monday at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, and said one strategy to control global warming would be for the world to take a "warlike" approach.
Prince Charles spoke during the opening ceremony at the conference, also known as COP26, and said that kind of an effort would make up a lot of ground in meeting key climate goals set out in the Paris Agreement.
"We need a vast military-style campaign to marshal the strength of the global private sector," he said. "With trillions [of dollars] at its disposal."
Prince Charles followed British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on the stage. In his remarks, Johnson said the world is quickly running out of time.
"Humanity has long since run down the clock on climate change," he said. "It's one minute to midnight on that doomsday clock and we need to act now."
Charles addressed dozens of world leaders in the room and said he's met with many in the international community over the past 18 months
"The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us just how devastating global cross-border threat can be," he said.
"The scale and scope of the threat we face call for a global systems-level solution based on radically transforming our current fossil fuel-based economy to one that's genuinely renewable and sustainable.
"We have to put ourselves on what might be called a warlike footing."
Charles urged nations to unite and provide accelerated nature-based solutions and a circular bio-economy. To fund such a campaign, he called for orchestrated support from the global private sector.
"It offers the only real prospect of fundamental economic transition."