
Photo of Francois Hollande in Kazakh costume spawns Twitter spoofs

The French president drew chuckles on social media when he posed in traditional garb with Kazakhstan's Nursultan Nazarbayev.

By Kate Stanton

PARIS, Dec. 10 (UPI) -- Social media users mocked French President Francois Hollande over the weekend, after a photo of him posing with Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev went viral.

In a pic posted to Nazarbayev's official Instagram page, Holland wore a traditional fur hat and coat given to him as a gift during his visit to Kazakhstan last Friday.


At the request of French officials, the photo was removed. But that didn't stop Twitter users from ridiculing Hollande's outfit.

Hollande isn't the only European politician to see a photo of himself go viral.

In a similar incident earlier this month, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was roundly mocked on social media for his unsettling facial expression on a Christmas Card.

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