
Farmer killed when Egyptian fighter crashes near Luxor

MADAMOUD, Egypt, Oct. 13 (UPI) -- One person was killed and two were injured Sunday when an Egyptian fighter jet broke apart and crashed into a village near Luxor, military officials said.

The Russian-made MiG-21 was on a training flight and for some reason broke apart in midair and fell on to the village of Madamoud and surrounding farm fields, a military spokesman told Ahram Online.


The pilot was also injured but was able to bail out and parachute to safety. A farmer was killed and two villagers were hurt.

The crash occurred just days after the United States said it was suspending deliveries of U.S. F-16 fighters jets because of the military's ouster of President Mohamed Morsi in July. The Los Angeles Times said the F-16 was the mainstay of Egypt's air force, although the older MiGs were still in service.

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