
Moroccan teens busted over Facebook kiss photo

NADOR, Morocco, Oct. 5 (UPI) -- A teenage couple in Morocco were arrested after a picture of them kissing outside their high school wound up in the newspaper, a human rights activist said.

Chakib al-Khayari, president of the Rif Association of Human Rights -- named for the Rig region of Morocco -- told Britain's The Independent the two teens were picked up Thursday on a public indecency charge after the newspaper in their hometown of Nador published the photo, which they had posted on Facebook.


"It involves a teenage boy and his girlfriend," sad al-Khayari. "They were arrested on Thursday for violating public decency by posting a photo of them kissing."

The couple, ages 14 and 15, were ordered to appear in juvenile court next week.

The BBC said supporters called for Moroccans to protest the arrest by posting photos online of themselves kissing.

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