
Skydiver who played James Bond in Olympic sketch killed in crash

MARTIGNY, Switzerland, Aug. 15 (UPI) -- The skydiver who stood in for Daniel Craig's James Bond during the London Olympics opening ceremony was killed Wednesday while wing diving in Switzerland.

Mark Sutton, 41, a former officer in the Gurka Rifles, was one of a group of elite wing-divers invited to a three-day event, the Daily Mirror reported. He crashed into a ridge in the Alps near Martigny after jumping from a helicopter.


Sutton received international attention when he parachuted into the Olympic Stadium in London last year costumed as James Bond -- the Daniel Craig version -- and accompanied by a diver dressed as Queen Elizabeth II.

Gary Connery, who played the queen, sent a tweet in response to Sutton's death: "All you jumpers/flyers out there, stay safe, make wise choices and know your limits and your locations."

Wing diving or wingsuit diving involves wearing a special suit designed to have an expanded surface.

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