
Index cites Sweden as most gender equal country in EU

VILNIUS, Lithuania, June 14 (UPI) -- Sweden has the greatest equality between men and women in all of the European Union, a ranking by a Lithuania-based gender equality institute has found.

The European Institute for Gender Equality said Sweden scored an average of 74.3 percent on a scale of 100 in six areas, reported Friday.


Neighboring countries Denmark and Finland were close behind, scoring 73.6 and 73.4, respectively.

The EIGE index ranked each of the 27 EU nations in the areas of work, money, knowledge, time, power and health.

Sweden scored the highest, 93.1, in health status and access to health structures.

The report noted Sweden had taken a number of actions to improve gender equality since 2005, including making each government minister responsible for gender equality in their respective policy areas.

In addition, the government has appointed a domestic violence coordinator and a delegation to promote gender equality at work in the past two years.

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