
Turkey charges 11 as spies for Iran

ANKARA, Turkey, Oct. 18 (UPI) -- Eleven people, including two Iranian nationals, face charges in Turkey that they sold confidential military and intelligence documents to Iran.

Some of the documents were all but given away, Today's Zaman reported Wednesday.


A 115-page indictment submitted by the Erzurum Chief Prosecutor's Office said the defendants face charges of acquiring and selling confidential documents crucial to national security.

Ten of the suspects are in jail, while another has been released pending trial.

Evidence presented by the prosecutor includes memos that detail information on Turkey's recent military purchases and the locations of three police stations in an area where additional oil exploration efforts are underway.

One of the suspects, Timur Agri, paid between 800 and 900 Turkish lira for information from one person, the indictment said. One U.S. dollar is worth 1.795 Turkish lira.

The Iranian government intentionally creates obstacles for Turkish business at customs points, where agents will help them with the restrictions, the prosecutors said. In exchange, the businessmen are asked later to gather information, and some are paid for the information.

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