
Code Pink activists protest drone attacks

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Oct. 5 (UPI) -- About 35 activists from the U.S.-based Code Pink anti-war group say they are in Pakistan to join in protests against U.S. drone strikes that target militants.

The protesters planned to contact people affected by the unmanned aircraft strikes and to draw attention to the situation, CNN reported Friday.


"We are here to say, on behalf of those Americans with a conscience, that we apologize to the people of Pakistan for the killing and suffering [because of the drone strikes]," Medea Benjamin, a Code Pink founder, said at a news conference Thursday in Islamabad.

Code Pink activists planned a rally in the city Friday in conjunction with a British advocacy group, CNN said. The demonstration was to be the forerunner to what organizers said would be a more ambitious protest on drone strikes during the weekend.

The drone strike program is controversial and unpopular in Pakistan, where lawmakers in April voted to end any authorization for it. Reports from U.S. and Pakistani officials, and independent organizations conflict about its impact.

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