TOKYO, June 20 (UPI) -- The operator of Japan's Fukushima Daiichi power plant, damaged by last year's earthquake and tsunami, said Wednesday it was not prepared for such a disaster.
Tokyo Electric Power Co. said its investigation into the equipment failure caused by the March 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami revealed the plant's lack of precautions against such incidents, CNN reported.
"All who were related to the nuclear plant could not predict an occurrence of the event which was far beyond our expectation," said Masao Yamazaki, TEPCO executive vice president. "We did not have enough measures to prevent the accident.
"We recognize these points should be improved," Yamazaki -- who chaired TEPCO's investigative committee -- said at a press conference Wednesday.
The company's final report is one of several being conducted into the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl, CNN said.
Three reactors went into full meltdown after the tsunami knocked three coolant systems off the power grid. The resulting massive radiation leak displaced thousands in the surrounding prefecture.