METULLA, Israel, April 30 (UPI) -- Israel began construction of a wall along its border with Lebanon Monday to enhance security, Israeli officials said.
The International Middle East Media Center said on its Web site the wall would be about 1.2 miles long and more than 32 feet high
The Times of Israel said the wall will be built mainly of concrete and will protect towns on Israel's side of the border from sniper fire from nearby Lebanese villages.
Last week, Israel's Channel 10 and Channel 2 television stations reported Israel had informed the Lebanese government of the decision and would coordinate the building of the wall with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon.
A statement from the Lebanese Ministry of Information said Israeli troops, with jeeps and three bulldozers, began building the wall near Kfar Kila in Lebanon.
Lebanese army troops and UNIFIL forces were deployed at the border.
The Daily Star, a Lebanese newspaper, indicated the wall would run between Kfar Kila and the Israeli town of Metulla.