
Mullah Omar bans killing of civilians

KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 4 (UPI) -- Mullah Omar, the head of the Taliban in Afghanistan, ordered his followers Friday to protect civilians and their property.

In his 1,800-word directive, Omar said those found to have killed civilians needlessly will be tried under Shariah law, The Guardian reported. The statement was released in five languages on the Muslim holiday of Eid.


"Scholars should be employed every now and then to preach protection of civilian life, wealth and honour to mujahedin and promote virtue," Omar said. "All civilian casualties which are caused or are believed to be caused by mujahedin should be reported to the superiors."

United Nations reports have said the Taliban is responsible for about 80 percent of all civilian killings in Afghanistan.

Rights workers said Omar's statement was more detailed and specific than any previous pronouncements on civilian casualties.

Also Friday, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton released a report on efforts to engage civilians in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

"We will continue to build capacity and opportunity in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and across the region, because lasting stability and security go hand in hand with greater economic opportunity," she said.


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