JERUSALEM, June 24 (UPI) -- The brother of a soldier convicted of wearing a T-shirt protesting Israeli policy says the soldier did not wear the shirt at a military ceremony, as charged.
Four members of the Golani Brigade's 13th Battalion were sentenced to the brig for conduct unbecoming arising from a June 23 incident in which they and six others were photographed at a ceremony wearing T-shirts reading, "Golani fights enemies and does not evict Jews," Haaretz reported.
The ceremony was for members of the brigade who had completed their training, the Jerusalem Post said.
One of the soldiers was sentenced to 30 days; two others received 20-day sentences and the fourth an 18-day sentence. The remaining six soldiers will be tried next week, Ynetnews reported.
"Once we learned of this incident an immediate inquiry was launched. The soldiers' conduct was unbecoming, it went against orders and they did not behave as we expect combat soldiers to behave, which is why they were tried," a military source whose name was not reported told Ynetnews.
The creator of the T-shirts, Yair Ben-David, demonstrated outside the home of Golani commander Col. Ofek Buchris to protest the 30-day sentence imposed on his brother. He alleges the soldiers weren't wearing the shirts during the ceremony but after, the Post said.
"The soldiers did not show the shirts during the ceremony. They weren't even wearing them then," Ben-David said. "They only put them on after the ceremony was finished and they were released home for the weekend."
The incident is under investigation.