
Sweden, Finland clash over wolf plan

Arctic wolf brothers, Kenai and Keeli, wrestle at the San Diego Zoo on July 8, 2010. UPI/Ken Bohn/San Diego Zoo
Arctic wolf brothers, Kenai and Keeli, wrestle at the San Diego Zoo on July 8, 2010. UPI/Ken Bohn/San Diego Zoo | License Photo

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Feb. 15 (UPI) -- A plan by Sweden to restore its wolf population with pups imported from neighboring countries has met resistance from Finland, officials said.

Finland is reluctant to contribute any of its wolf pups to Sweden's proposal to import wolf pups to boost its domestic wolf population, Swedish news agency Tidningarnas Telegrambyra reported Tuesday.


Finland's reluctance is thought to be because its own wolf population is small, TT said.

"From the Finnish perspective, we think that one should not move the wolf pups at all, any year," Pentti Lahteenoja of the Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry said.

Swedish Environment Minister Andreas Carlgren said decisions to add new wolves will be made locally.

"We're now taking a collective step in order to get viable wolves," Carlgren said.

The importation of pups would start in April, he said.

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