
Peace Now issues settlement report

JERUSALEM, Nov. 14 (UPI) -- Foundations for 1,126 new homes in West Bank settlements have been built since the 10-month freeze expired, a Peace Now report said.

The report released late Saturday said the ground is being prepared for the construction of an additional 523 homes, but foundations have yet to be laid.


The Israeli government last November imposed a 10-month building freeze on West Bank settlement construction, which expired Sept. 26.

"The freeze had turned into a 10-month delay. If it is not followed by a second freeze, it will become irrelevant," said Hagit Ofran, head of the organization's Settlement Watch Team.

The report said building is under way in 61 of 121 settlements in the West Bank, with the largest number of 216 housing units being constructed in Betar Illit.

The Council of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza accused the organization of "sabotaging" Israel's diplomatic interests and called the report a "garbled" attempt to create a disagreement between Israel and the United States, The Jerusalem Post said.

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