
Canadian PM's Olympics agenda adds pomp

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper (R), flanked by British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell welcomes the Olympic Flame to Canada Oct. 30, 2009, along with torch carriers Aronhiaies Herne and Dina Ouellette. The Winter Games begin Feb. 12 in Vancouver. Photo handout by prime minister's office.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper (R), flanked by British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell welcomes the Olympic Flame to Canada Oct. 30, 2009, along with torch carriers Aronhiaies Herne and Dina Ouellette. The Winter Games begin Feb. 12 in Vancouver. Photo handout by prime minister's office.

OTTAWA, Feb. 5 (UPI) -- Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper will precede the opening of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games next week with a rare political address, staff said.

Harper's office said he had accepted British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell's invitation to address the provincial legislature in Victoria Feb. 11, the day before the games open in Vancouver.


It's rare for a prime minister to address provincial or territorial legislatures, the Victoria Times-Colonist said. The last time it happened was in 1990 when Prime Minister Brian Mulroney addressed the legislature of Newfoundland and Labrador.

The announcement drew criticism from Opposition Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff. As rumors of the address emerged earlier this week, Ignatieff noted Harper had suspended federal Parliament Dec. 30 to work on a budget and economic recovery plan.

"It does seem a little odd that he's prepared to address a working legislature while he's closed down his own," Ignatieff said. "Go figure, is what I'd say about that."

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