
2020 U.S. Census data shows median age rising, fewer children

America's population in 2020 grew older with fewer children as the median age increased to 38.8 in the 2020 U.S. Census. The number of people under 18 fell by 1.4% while senior citizens increased by 38.6%. Simulated Census-taking photo courtesy of U.S. Census
America's population in 2020 grew older with fewer children as the median age increased to 38.8 in the 2020 U.S. Census. The number of people under 18 fell by 1.4% while senior citizens increased by 38.6%. Simulated Census-taking photo courtesy of U.S. Census

May 25 (UPI) -- America's population in 2020 was older with fewer children under 5 than in 2010 or 2000, according to the 2020 U.S. Census.

The population over 65 increased at the fastest rate since 1880-1890, with one in six people over 65 in the United States.


The over-65 U.S. population increased by 1,000% from 1920 to 2020. Centenarians rose by 50% since 2010.

Median age in the United States has increased from 28.1 years old in 1970 to a median age of 38.8 in the 2020 Census.

In 2020 there were over 73.1 million children under 18, a decline of 1.4% from 2010.

That's caused by the two largest U.S. cohorts aging while smaller cohorts of children were born.

The baby boom generation born between 1946-1964 and millennials born 1982-2000 are the two largest population groups in the United States.

The 2020 U.S. Census shows the number of people 65 and over up 38.6% to a total of 55.8 million compared to the 2010 Census.

The over-65 crowd grew nearly five times faster than the total population over 100 years from 1920-2020, according to the U.S. Census.

According to the 2020 Census data, the oldest states with the largest percentage of people over 65 are Maine at 19.4%, Florida at 18.7%, West Virginia with 18.3%, Vermont with 18.4%, Montana with 17.8% and South Carolina and New Hampshire both with 17.2%.


Utah was the youngest U.S. state in 2020 and has the largest percentage of people 5-17 years old. The state has a relatively young population overall, with a median age of 31.3 years.

Overall U.S. population was up to 331.4 million people in 2020.

Despite growing older as a percentage of the population, the U.S. population remained relatively young compared to many of its peer nations.

Japan, for example, had the largest share of older people at 28.5% while the U.S. elder rate was 16.8%. Many European nations and Canada had higher population shares of people over 65 than the United States.

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