
Department of Energy to award $50 million for clean energy projects on tribal lands

The U.S. Department of Energy (led by Sec. Jennifer Granholmon, pictured) Friday announced $50 million to help promote clean energy use on tribal lands. Photo by Al Drago/UPI
The U.S. Department of Energy (led by Sec. Jennifer Granholmon, pictured) Friday announced $50 million to help promote clean energy use on tribal lands. Photo by Al Drago/UPI | License Photo

Feb. 17 (UPI) -- The U.S. Department of Energy on Friday announced $50 million to help promote clean energy use on tribal lands.

"This significant investment will strengthen tribal energy sovereignty by bolstering ongoing efforts to lower energy costs, increase energy security and resilience, and provide electric power to unelectrified buildings," the Department of Energy said in a press release Friday.


The funds will be used on tribal lands to set up autonomous energy systems that don't require connection to a central grid. Additionally, funds will be allocated to install clean energy generating systems in buildings on tribal property.

The Department of Energy says it wants to award between 10 and 25 grants ranging from $100,000 to $1 million.

"This new investment will help Indigenous communities everywhere make informed decisions about their own energy needs and unlock stronger economies and increased access to reliable and affordable clean energy resources," said Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm.

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