
TSA to allow some CBD oil, hemp products

By Daniel Uria
The Transportation and Security Administration altered its medical marijuana guidelines to allow some CBD oil and hemp products on flights. File Photo by Gary C. Caskey/UPI
The Transportation and Security Administration altered its medical marijuana guidelines to allow some CBD oil and hemp products on flights. File Photo by Gary C. Caskey/UPI | License Photo

May 28 (UPI) -- The Transportation Security Administration altered its cannabis policy to allow Food and Drug Administration-approved medical marijuana and some forms of cannabidiol.

Under the new guidelines, implemented Sunday, passengers are permitted to bring medical marijuana products or medications that contain hemp-derived cannabidiol, or CBD, or are approved by the FDA under the Agriculture Improvement Act 2018.


The items can be carried in both carry-on and checked bags.

Possession of other forms of marijuana- and cannabis-infused products is illegal under federal law and the TSA's website notes its officers are required to report any suspected violations of law.

The TSA told NBC News the update was brought about by the FDA's approval of Epidiolex, a CBD-infused drug that is used to treat seizures in children with epilepsy.

"To avoid confusion as to whether families can travel with this drug, TSA immediately updated when we became aware of the issue," the agency said.

No further details were provided about any other CBD oils that are permitted on flights under the new guidelines.

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