
Ted Cruz down with mysterious tattooed posters

Posters of Sen. Ted Cruz that popped up in Los Angeles gave the Texas Republican a decidedly new look.

By Gabrielle Levy
Is Sen. Ted Cruz hiding a chest full of ink under that suit? UPI/Molly Riley
Is Sen. Ted Cruz hiding a chest full of ink under that suit? UPI/Molly Riley | License Photo

Strange posters featuring the likeness of Ted Cruz have begun popping up at hot spots in Los Angeles, depicting the Texas senator bare-chested and covered in ink.

"TED CRUZ'S SO-CAL BLACKLISTED & LOVING IT TOUR," the posters blare, advertising an event at the Beverly Hilton last Saturday. The posters were spotted outside several popular LA clubs, including the Viper Room, Seventh Veil and Whiskey a Go-Go, as well as on utility poles and on car windshields.


Cruz was, in fact, in Los Angeles to deliver the keynote at the Claremont Institute's annual Winston Churchill dinner, at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel.

The posters show Cruz sporting a chest tattoo of an eagle reminiscent of the one on the Great Seal of the United States, a star on his shoulder, a flag on his left bicep and guns on either side of the word "Cruz" lettered across his abs.

But if the senator was bothered by the poster, it wasn't the tattoos or the wrong location.

“Saw this, but noticed an error," he tweeted. "So I wanted to make one thing clear: I don’t smoke cigarettes."



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