PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 7 (UPI) -- Monsignor William Lynn, released after his child endangerment conviction was overturned, was heckled as he left a Philadelphia court hearing.
Lynn, 63, stern-faced and 80 pounds lighter than when he was sent to prison in 2012, heard shouts of "pedophile" and "burn in hell" Monday as he left a hearing at which Common Pleas Judge M. Teresa Carmina explained the terms of his bail and house arrest, the Philadelphia Daily News reported.
Lynn, the Philadelphia archdiocese secretary of clergy from 1992 to 2004, was accused of moving pedophile priests from parish to parish, and served 18 months of a six-year prison term. The state Supreme Court overturned that decision in December, leading to his release last week.
District Attorney Seth Williams, who has criticized the Supreme Court decision and the Archdiocese for paying Lynn's bail, has said he would appeal the decision.