FORT WORTH, Texas, Nov. 4 (UPI) -- Former U.S. House Speaker Jim Wright says he was denied a Texas voter identification card during the weekend because he lacked proper documentation.
"Nobody was ugly to us but they insisted they wouldn't give me an ID," Wright said.
Wright, 90, and his assistant Norma Ritchson visited the Texas Department of Safety office in Fort Worth Saturday to obtain a state election identification certificate. His expired Texas driver's license and Texas Christian University faculty identification card, both photo identification documents, did not satisfy requirements of the voter law, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported Monday.
Wright said he worked matters out and would present a birth certificate, acceptable for voter verification, to the Public Safety Department in time to vote Tuesday, but he expressed concern such a problem could deter others from voting.
"I earnestly hope these unduly stringent requirements on voters won't dramatically reduce the number of people who vote. I think they will reduce the number to some extent," Wright said.