
Truckers threaten Beltway shutdown in protest

WASHINGTON, Oct. 8 (UPI) -- A contingent of independent truckers angry at the government said they plan to shut down the Capital Beltway around Washington, D.C.

"Truckers for the Constitution," an association of independent truckers angry about high gas prices, President Barack Obama, congressional leaders and a host of domestic political issues, said they're planning to park their trucks on the already cramped Beltway in protest.


Their anti-government screed echoes much of the early rhetoric used by activists who formed Tea Party groups across the country, The Hill reported Monday.

"All Americans are frustrated with the lawlessness of our congressmen and senators who refuse to work on behalf of the American people," the truck driver group said on its website, "It has become apparent that our elected officials will never respond to the will of the people as long as their greed wealth is not jeopardized. The only thing that motivates every politician is their money -- cutting off their money-flow cuts off their life-blood. The Independent Truckers in the United States essentially keep commerce flowing for benefit of the central government."

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