
Poll finds nearly two-thirds see U.S. economy as poor

WASHINGTON, June 19 (UPI) -- Nearly two-thirds of Americans rate the U.S. economy as poor while 35 percent say it is good, a national poll indicates.

The CNN/ORC International Survey released Wednesday found there has been a slow but steady rise since December in the number of Americans who say economic conditions right now are "very" or "somewhat" good.


However, 44 percent of Americans report their financial situation is worse today than it was a year ago.

"Americans are no more positive about their own personal financial situation than they were a year ago, suggesting American households don't necessarily see good news on Wall Street as good news for Main Street," CNN Polling Director Keating Holland said.

As to the future, 50 percent said economic conditions would be good next year while 49 percent said there won't be any improvement.

The poll of 1,014 adults was conducted by telephone June 11-13. It carries a margin of error of 3 percentage points.

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