PHOENIX, June 11 (UPI) -- Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer called the Legislature into special session late Tuesday to deal with Medicaid expansion and complete a 2014 budget.
The Republican governor's surprise move came after House Speaker Andy Tobin, a fellow Republican, adjourned the body until Thursday, The Arizona Republic reported.
Brewer summoned key legislators into her office and got them to agree to unseat the speaker and Senate president, if necessary, to push through the Medicaid expansion and get a budget passed, the Phoenix newspaper said.
Brewer issued a special session proclamation at 5 p.m. local time.
Gubernatorial spokesman Matthew Benson said Brewer had given the lawmakers enough rope to work things out on their own and Tobin's decision to adjourn the House "was the final straw" that led her to step in.
"The governor has been extraordinarily patient these last five months in working with leadership of the House and Senate," Benson said. "But it's time to move forward. This will allow the Legislature to complete the people's business."