
ACLU calls for investigation into Todashev shooting death

ORLANDO, Fla., June 6 (UPI) -- The American Civil Liberties Union called for an investigation into the shooting death of a Chechen man interrogated by the FBI about the Boston bombings.

Federal investigators were questioning Ibragim Todashev, 27, May 22 in Orlando, Fla., about his acquaintance with Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev when Todashev allegedly overturned a table and lunged at an FBI agent.


The agent fatally shot Todashev seven times. Some law enforcement agents said Todashev brandished a knife though others said he was unarmed. Still others said Todashev grabbed at the agent's gun.

"What needs to happen, because there has been so much contradictory information released, is an independent and transparent investigation," Michael German, senior policy counsel in the ACLU's legislative office, told the Orlando Sentinel. "Even if mistakes were made, they can be acknowledged and the community can feel that the system is working in the right direction."

"What became concerning is that different stories we were coming out," German added. "They need to correct the record -- both for the protection of the people in the community and for the protection of the law enforcement officers."


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