KEENE, N.H., May 15 (UPI) -- Parking enforcement officers in Keene, N.H., filed a lawsuit against the so-called Robin Hood of Keene group for allegedly harassing them, officials said.
The band of merry men and women, armed with video cameras, likes to put coins in expired parking meters before officers have a chance to write tickets, the New Hampshire Union Leader reports.
The city filed the lawsuit May 2 on behalf of the parking enforcement officers against six citizens -- Kate Ager, Ian Bernard, James Cleaveland, Graham Colson, Garrett Ean and Peter Eyre.
The lawsuit asks the court to prohibit the group from coming within 50 feet of the parking attendants "during the performance of their employment duties for the city."
The parking enforcement officers said their issue isn't with the video cameras or filling the parking meters, but the harassment they allege they endure during the process.
"Besides following me, crowding around me, making video recordings of my activities, and placing coins in expired meters to prevent me from writing tickets, these individuals repeatedly taunt and harass me, asking why I am stealing people's money and telling me to get another job. ... In particular, Graham Colson likes to taunt me by saying, 'Linda, guess what you're not going to do today -- write tickets.' ... The taunting and harassment tends to get worse when there is a group, as they try to one-up each other at my expense," parking enforcement officer Linda Desruisseaux said.
Cleaveland denies there is any harassment going on, saying he speaks to them less than 90 percent of the time, the newspaper reported Monday.