WASHINGTON, April 29 (UPI) -- Former U.S. President Bill Clinton said the "sickness" that caused the Holocaust is still at work in the world today.
Speaking at the 20th anniversary of the opening of the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., CBS News reported Clinton, speaking to a crowd of about 5,000, said the hatred that fueled the Nazi effort to exterminate Jews and other groups is still happening today, albeit in different forms.
"I ask you to think about how the historic suffering and slaughter of the Holocaust reflects a human disease that takes different forms -- the idea that our differences are more important than our common humanity," Clinton said. "The sickness that the Nazis gave to Germany ... is very alive all across the world. ... It is still the major cause of heartbreak around the world, as we saw in Boston at the marathon, and it is still the biggest threat to our children and grandchildren reaping the full promise of an interdependent world."
Clinton called the museum "our conscience" and, with about 775 Holocaust survivors in attendance, told curators those present to "make sure that if the ... memories fade away, that the records the pictures and the stories never die."