
Trademark infringement case bankrupts man

WYNNEWOOD, Okla., April 3 (UPI) -- An Oklahoma man who goes by the name "Joe Exotic" filed for bankruptcy after being ordered to pay nearly $1 million to settle a trademark infringement lawsuit.

Joe Schreibvogel of Wynnewood said he has debts amounting to $1.2 million, most of which are attributable to a judgment filed against him in February by a federal judge in Florida, The (Oklahoma City) Oklahoman reported Wednesday.


He also owes in excess of $30,000 in attorney's fees for the trademark case.

From the late 1990s until February, Schreibvogel operated what is now the G.W. Zoo in Wynnewood, The Oklahoman reported. He listed assets valued at vehicles and other assets of $127,739, plus 43 tigers and five black bears as personal property, which are worth an "unknown" amount, the newspaper said.

The trademark infringement case stems for a feud between Schreibvogel and Big Cat Rescue founder Carole Baskin in Florida. The case involved Schreibvogel's use of images and logos similar to those designed and owned by Big Cat Rescue.

Schreibvogel said he modeled a logo for one of his businesses, Big Cat Rescue Entertainment, after the Florida business' logo, but said he didn't realize he did not have the right to do so.


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