
Romney '47 percent' recorder reveals self

NEW YORK, March 15 (UPI) -- Scott Prouty, the man who shot the "47 percent" video of Mitt Romney during the 2012 presidential campaign, told MSNBC he agonized about releasing the video.

Prouty, who went public for the first time Wednesday, said he was working as a bartender at the $50,000-per-plate fundraiser in Boca Raton, Fla., when he made the recording.


Prouty said he is a "registered independent," and votes Democratic, but "didn't go there with a grudge against Romney."

He said he worried about releasing the video, as Florida law prohibits video taping someone without their consent, but felt he had an obligation to do so.

"I don't think he has any idea what a single mom, you know, taking a bus to work, dropping her kid off at day care that she can barely afford, hopping on another bus -- you know, the day in, day out struggles of everyday Americans," Pouty said on "The Ed Show."

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